Parish Council Powers Include
Below is an overview of a parish council's powers, for further information contact the council clerk or your councillor.
Powers to provide and maintain allotments for cultivation.
Burial Grounds, Cemeteries and Churchyards:
Powers to provide and maintain and power to contribute to the costs of a churchyard in use.
Bus Shelters:
Power to provide and maintain bus shelters.
Power to make bylaws in regard to:
Provision and maintenance of public clocks, on churches and elsewhere.
Community Centres, Public Buildings and Village Halls:
Power to provide and equip buildings for public meetings and functions, or for the use of clubs or societies having recreational, social or athletic objects.
Crime Prevention:
Powers to spend money on various crime prevention measures.
Footpaths and Rights of Way:
Power to repair and maintain public footpaths and bridleways.
Provision of litter bins in streets and support for anti-litter campaigns.
Local Councils have the right to be notified of any planning application affecting their ara and to make comments which the planning authority must take into account. Go to Planning Page
Roadside Verges:
Power to plant and maintain roadside verges.
Provision and maintenance of public seats.
Power to erect signs which warn of dangers to announce a place name, or indicate a bus stop.
Traffic Calming:
Powers to contribute financially to traffic calming schemes.
Powers to spend money on community transport schemes.
War Memorials:
Power to maintain, repair, protect and adapt war memorials.
Powers to provide and maintain allotments for cultivation.
Burial Grounds, Cemeteries and Churchyards:
Powers to provide and maintain and power to contribute to the costs of a churchyard in use.
Bus Shelters:
Power to provide and maintain bus shelters.
Power to make bylaws in regard to:
- Pleasure grounds
- Cycle parks
- Baths and Washhouses
- Open spaces and burial grounds
- Mortuaries and post-mortem rooms
Provision and maintenance of public clocks, on churches and elsewhere.
Community Centres, Public Buildings and Village Halls:
Power to provide and equip buildings for public meetings and functions, or for the use of clubs or societies having recreational, social or athletic objects.
Crime Prevention:
Powers to spend money on various crime prevention measures.
Footpaths and Rights of Way:
Power to repair and maintain public footpaths and bridleways.
Provision of litter bins in streets and support for anti-litter campaigns.
Local Councils have the right to be notified of any planning application affecting their ara and to make comments which the planning authority must take into account. Go to Planning Page
Roadside Verges:
Power to plant and maintain roadside verges.
Provision and maintenance of public seats.
Power to erect signs which warn of dangers to announce a place name, or indicate a bus stop.
Traffic Calming:
Powers to contribute financially to traffic calming schemes.
Powers to spend money on community transport schemes.
War Memorials:
Power to maintain, repair, protect and adapt war memorials.